103Oprea, S.-V., & Bâra, A. (2025). Is Artificial Intelligence a Game-Changer in Steering E-Business into the Future? Uncovering Latent Topics with Probabilistic Generative Models. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 20(1), 16. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer20010016
102Bucur, C., Tudorică, B.-G., Bâra, A., & Oprea, S.-V. (2025). Multifractal analysis of Bitcoin price dynamics. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 26(1), 21–48. https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2025.23025
101Căuniac, D.-A., Cîrnaru, A.-A., Oprea, S.-V., & Bâra, A. (2025). Intersections of Big Data and IoT in Academic Publications: A Topic Modeling Approach. Sensors, 25(3), 906. https://doi.org/10.3390/s25030906
100Oprea S-V, Bâra A. (2025) A conceptual meta-level digital twin architecture for energy communities in Romania and other ex-communist countries. Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2025;e14559. doi:10.1002/ep.14559
99Oprea, S.V.Bâra, A. (2025), Analyzing shocks transmission and spillover effect in the day-ahead and intra-day markets. Key implications for price forecasting. J Knowl Econ. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-025-02603-1
98Oprea, S.V.Bâra, A. and Georgescu, I. (2025), An economic and environmental perspective of the economic growth, emissions, foreign investment and renewables integration in the Black Sea regionKybernetes, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-09-2024-2451
97A. Bâra, S.V. Oprea, Energy assistants for prosumers to enable trading strategies on local electricity markets, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 309, 2025, 112927, ISSN 0950-7051, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2024.112927.
96Dobrița, G., Oprea, S., Bâra, A. (2025). Federated learning’s role in next-gen TV ad optimization. Computers, Materials & Continua, 82(1), 675-712. https://doi.org/10.32604/cmc.2024.058656
95Niculae, A.M.; Oprea, S.V.; Văduva, A.G.; Bâra, A.; Andreescu, A.I. Assessing the Role of Machine Learning in Climate Research Publications. Sustainability 2024, 16, 11086. https://doi.org/10.3390/su162411086
94S.V. Oprea, A. Bâra, Unveiling the nexus between energy storage and electricity markets in academic publications. A data-driven analysis of emerging trends and market dynamics using NLP, sentiment analysis and probabilistic modeling, Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 106, 2025, 114917, ISSN 2352-152X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2024.114917.
93Văduva, A.G., Oprea, S.V., Niculae, A.M., Bâra, A., & Andreescu, A.-I. (2024). Improving Churn Detection in the Banking Sector: A Machine Learning Approach with Probability Calibration Techniques. Electronics, 13(22), 4527. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13224527
92I.A. Georgescu, A. Bâra, S.V. Oprea, Challenges for low-carbon economies in Latin America. Testing pollution haven hypothesis in developing countries, Energy Reports, Volume 12, 2024, Pages 5280-5299, ISSN 2352-4847, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2024.11.009.
91S.V. Oprea, A. Bâra, Profiling public perception of emerging technologies: Gene editing, brain chips and exoskeletons. A data-analytics framework. Helyion (Cell), Vol. 10, Issue 22, November 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e40268
90Delcea, C., Oprea, S.V., Dima, A. M., Domenteanu, A., Bara, A., & Cotfas, L.A. (2024). Energy communities: Insights from scientific publications. Oeconomia Copernicana, 15(3), 1101–1155. https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.3137
89Oprea, SV., Bâra, A. & Georgescu, I.A. Assessing the Dynamics of Ecological Footprint in Relation to Economic and Energy Factors: A Comparative Analysis of Finland and Japan. J Knowl Econ (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-024-02312-1
88Oprea, S.V., Bâra, A. Assessing the Dual Impact of the Social Media Platforms on Psychological Well-being: A Multiple-Option Descriptive-Predictive Framework. Comput Econ (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10614-024-10717-y
87Oprea, S.V., Bâra, A., Bucur, C., Tudorică, B. G., & Oprea, N. (2024). Trading in the Quantum Era: optimizing Bitcoin gains and energy costs. Journal of Applied Economics, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/15140326.2024.2404795
86Oprea, S.V., Georgescu, I.A. & Bâra, A. Charting the BRIC countries’ connection of political stability, economic growth, demographics, renewables and CO2 emissions. Econ Change Restruct 57, 161 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10644-024-09746-2
85Bâra, A., & Oprea, S. V. (2024). Devising single in-out long short-term memory univariate models for predicting the electricity price on the day-ahead markets. Connection Science, 36(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/09540091.2024.2397351
84Georgescu, I.A., Oprea, S.V. and Bâra, A., Analyzing causality and cointegration of macroeconomics and energy-related factors of Nordic and SEE European countries, Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2024, https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2024.21677
83SV. Oprea, A. Bâra, Generative literature analysis on the rise of prosumers and their influence on the sustainable energy transition, Utilities Policy, Volume 90, 2024, 101799, ISSN 0957-1787, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2024.101799
82Oprea, SV., Bâra, A. 2024. Detecting Malicious Uniform Resource Locators Using an Applied Intelligence Framework. Computers, Materials & Continua, DOI: 10.32604/cmc.2024.051598
81Oprea, SV., Bâra, A. 2024. A Recommendation System for Prosumers Based on Large Language Models. Sensors 24, no. 11: 3530. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24113530
80Oprea, S.V., Bâra, A. (2024). Charting the course: America’s energy crossroads and the quest for a sustainable future. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 00, 1–32. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajes.12576
79Bâra, A., Văduva, A.G., Oprea, SV. Anomaly Detection in Weather Phenomena: News and Numerical Data-Driven Insights into the Climate Change in Romania’s Historical Regions. Int J Comput Intell Syst 17, 134 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44196-024-00536-2
78Bâra, A., Oprea, SV. & Panait, M. Insights into Bitcoin and energy nexus. A Bitcoin price prediction in bull and bear markets using a complex meta model and SQL analytical functions. Appl Intell (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05474-2
77Georgescu, I.A., Oprea, S.V. and Bâra, A. (2024), Time-Frequency Connectedness Between Electricity Prices in Romania and Its Determinants in the Competitive Markets, Kybernetes, https://doi.org/10.1108/K-01-2024-0268
76Georgescu, I.A., Oprea, S.V. and Bâra, A. (2024), An analysis of the geopolitical and economics influence on tourist arrivals in Russia using a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag model, Kybernetes, https://doi.org/10.1108/K-01-2024-0265
75I.A. Georgescu, S.V. Oprea, A. Bâra, Investigating the relationship between macroeconomic indicators, renewables and pollution across diverse regions in the globalization era, Applied Energy, Volume 363, 2024, 123077, ISSN 0306-2619, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123077
74Bâra A., Oprea S.V. Electricity price forecast on day-ahead market for mid- and short terms: capturing spikes in data sequences using recurrent neural network techniques. Electr Eng (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-024-02393-w
73Bâra A., Oprea S.V. Machine Learning Algorithms for Power System Sign Classification and a Multivariate Stacked LSTM Model for Predicting the Electricity Imbalance Volume. Int J Comput Intell Syst 17, 80 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44196-024-00464-1
72Oprea S-V., Bâra A, Exploring excitement counterbalanced by concerns towards AI technology using a descriptive-prescriptive data processing method, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications; 11, 388 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-02926-5
71Bâra A, Oprea S-V., The Impact of Academic Publications over the Last Decade on Historical Bitcoin Prices using Generative Models. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. 2024; 19(1):538-560. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer19010029
70A. Bâra, I. A. Georgescu, S.-V. Oprea and M. P. Cristescu, Exploring the Dynamics of Brent crude oil, S&P500 and Bitcoin prices Amid Economic Instability, 2024, IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3370029.
69S-V Oprea, I Nica, A Bâra, I A Georgescu, Are Skepticism and Moderation Dominating Attitudes towards AI-based Technologies? The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2024, 00, 1–41. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajes.12565
68A Bâra, S-V Oprea, An ensemble learning method for Bitcoin price prediction based on volatility indicators and trend, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 133, Part A, 2024, 107991, ISSN 0952-1976, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2024.107991.
67S-V Oprea, I A Georgescu, A Bâra. Is Bitcoin ready to be a widespread payment method? Using price volatility and setting strategies for merchants, Electronic Commerce Research, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-024-09812-x
66B-G Tudorică, C Bucur, M Panait, S-V Oprea, A Bâra. Energetic Equilibrium: Optimizing renewable and non-renewable energy sources via particle swarm optimization, Utilities Policy, Volume 87, 2024, 101722, ISSN 0957-1787, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2024.101722. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957178724000158)
65A Bâra, and S-V Oprea. 2024. PV-OPTIM: A Software Architecture and Functionalities for Prosumers, Electronics 13, no. 1: 161. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13010161
64Bâra, A., Oprea, SV. Predicting Day-Ahead Electricity Market Prices through the Integration of Macroeconomic Factors and Machine Learning Techniques. Int J Comput Intell Syst 17, 10 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44196-023-00387-3
63A Bâra, S-V Oprea, Embedding the Weather Prediction Errors (WPE) into the PV Forecasting Method using Deep Learning. Journal of Forecasting, Wiley, https://doi.org/10.1002/for.3064
62A. -G. Văduva, M. Munteanu, S. -V. Oprea, A. Bâra and A. -M. Niculae, Understanding Climate Change and Air Quality over the Last Decade. Evidence from News and Weather Data Processing, in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3345466.
61Baroiu AC, Diaconita V, Oprea SV. 2023. Bitcoin volatility in bull vs. bear market-insights from analyzing on-chain metrics and Twitter posts. PeerJ Computer Science 9:e1750 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj-cs.1750
60S-V Oprea, A Bâra, On-grid and Off-grid Photovoltaic Systems Forecasting using a Hybrid Meta-learning Method, Knowledge and Information Systems, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-023-02037-8
59A Bâra, S-V Oprea, A Value Sharing Method for Heterogenous Energy Communities Archetypes, iScience, Adela Bâra, Simona-Vasilica Oprea, Volume 27, Issue 1, 2024, 108687, ISSN 2589-0042, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.108687
58A Bâra, S-V Oprea, Enabling Coordination in Energy Communities: A Digital Twin Model, Volume 184, January 2024, 113910, Energy Policy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113910
57Bâra, A., Oprea, S.-V., & Ciurea, C.-E. (2023). Improving the strategies of the market players using an AI-powered price forecast for electricity market. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.3846/tede.2023.20251
56Bâra, A. and Oprea, S.V. (2023), A holistic view on business model-oriented energy communities, Kybernetes, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-07-2023-1235
55Cristescu, M.P.; Mara, D.A.; Culda, L.C.; Nerișanu, R.A.; Bâra, A.; Oprea, S.-V. The Impact of Data Science Solutions on the Company Turnover. Information 2023, 14, 573.
54S-V OPREA, A BÂRA, G DOBRIȚA (ENE), D-C BARBU, A Horizontal Tuning Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms Using a Microservice-based Architecture, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 32(3), pp. 31-43, 2023. https://doi.org/10.24846/v32i3y202303, https://sic.ici.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Art.-3-Issue-3-2023.pdf
53S-V Oprea, A Bâra. A stacked ensemble forecast for photovoltaic power plants combining deterministic and stochastic methods. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 147, November 2023, Page 110781, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2023.110781
52A Bâra, S-V Oprea, C Bucur, and B-G Tudorică. „Unraveling the Impact of Lockdowns on E-commerce: An Empirical Analysis of Google Analytics Data during 2019–2022Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 18, no. 3: 1484-1510. https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer18030075
51Bâra, A., Oprea, SV. & Băroiu, AC. Forecasting the Spot Market Electricity Price with a Long Short-Term Memory Model Architecture in a Disruptive Economic and Geopolitical Context. Int J Comput Intell Syst 16, 130 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s44196-023-00309-3
50Bâra, A., Oprea, SV. & Tudorică, B.G. From the East-European Regional Day-Ahead Markets to a Global Electricity Market. Computational Economics (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10614-023-10416-0
49Bâra, A., Oprea, SV. Intelligent system to optimally trade at the interference of multiple crises. Applied Intelligence (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-023-04823-x
48Bâra, A. and Oprea, S.-V. (2023), What makes electricity consumers change their behavior? Influence of attitude and perceived impact of DR programs on awareness, Kybernetes. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-01-2023-0032
47Bâra A, S-V Oprea, and I A Georgescu. 2023. Understanding Electricity Price Evolution – Day-Ahead Market Competitiveness in Romania. Journal of Business Economics and Management 24 (2):221–244. https://doi.org/10.3846/jbem.2023.19050.
46Bâra A, Oprea S-V, Oprea N. How Fast to Avoid Carbon Emissions: A Holistic View on the RES, Storage and Non-RES Replacement in Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(6):5115. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20065115
45S. -V. Oprea, A. Bâra, A. -I. Andreescu and M. P. Cristescu, Conceptual Architecture of a Blockchain Solution for E-Voting in Elections at the University Level, in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3247964, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10049991
44Oprea, S-V., Bâra A., An Edge-Fog-Cloud Computing Architecture for IoT and Smart Metering Data, Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12083-022-01436-y
43Cristescu, M.P.; Nerisanu, R.A.; Mara, D.A.; Oprea, S.-V. Using Market News Sentiment Analysis for Stock Market Prediction. Mathematics 2022, 10, 4255. https://doi.org/10.3390/math10224255
42Oprea, S-V., Bâra, A., Mind the gap between PV generation and residential load curves: Maximizing the roof-top PV usage for prosumers with an IoT-based Adaptive Optimization and Control Module, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 212, February 2023, 118828, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.118828
41Oprea, S-V., Bâra, A., A measurement model for electricity Consumers’ awareness with covariance structure Analyses. A solid pillar for boosting demand response programs, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Volume 53, Part C, October 2022, 102738, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2022.102738
40Oprea, S-V., Bâra, A., Ciurea C.E., A novel cost-revenue allocation computation for the competitiveness of balancing responsible parties, including RES. Insights from the electricity market in Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy, Volume 199, November 2022, Pages 881-894, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.09.007
39S-V Oprea, A Bâra, A signaling game-optimization algorithm for residential energy communities implemented at the edge-computing side, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 169, 2022, 108272, ISSN 0360-8352, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.108272. Computers & Industrial Engineering 174 (2022) 108812: Corrigendum to “A signaling game-optimization algorithm for residential energy communities implemented at the edge-computing side” [Comput. Ind. Eng. 169 (2022) 108272]
38S-V Oprea, A Bâra, V Diaconita. „A motivational local trading framework with 2-round auctioning and settlement rules embedded in smart contracts for a small citizen energy communityRenewable Energy, Volume 193, 2022, Pages 225-239, ISSN 0960-1481, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.04.149.
37S-V Oprea, A Bâra, C-E Ciurea, and L F Stoica. 2022. „Smart Cities and Awareness of Sustainable Communities Related to Demand Response Programs: Data Processing with First-Order and Hierarchical Confirmatory Factor AnalysesElectronics 11, no. 7: 1157. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11071157
36SV Oprea, A Bara, Feature engineering solution with structured query language analytic functions in detecting electricity frauds using machine learning. Sci Rep 12, 3257. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-07337-7
35SV Oprea, A Bara, V Diaconita, C Ceaparu, AA Ducman, Big Data Processing for Commercial Buildings and Assessing Flexibility in the Context of Citizen Energy Communities. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pages 168715 – 168730, 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3137352
34Oprea S-V, Bâra A, Puican FC, Radu IC. Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning Algorithms and Big Data in Electricity Consumption. Sustainability. 2021; 13(19):10963. https://doi.org/10.3390/su131910963
33Oprea, SV., Bâra, A. Machine learning classification algorithms and anomaly detection in conventional meters and Tunisian electricity consumption large datasets, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 94, September 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.107329
32Oprea, SV., Bâra, A. Edge and fog computing using IoT for direct load optimization and control with flexibility services for citizen energy communities, Knowledge-Based Systems
Volume 228, 27 September 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107293
31Oprea, SV., Bâra, A. & Ifrim, G.A. Optimizing the Electricity Consumption with a High Degree of Flexibility Using a Dynamic Tariff and Stackelberg Game. Journal of Optimization Theory and Application (2021), 190, pages 151–182, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01876-1
30C. Bucur, BG Tudorică, SV Oprea, D Nancu, DM Dușmănescu, Insights into Energy Indicators Analytics Towards European Green Energy Transition using Statistics and Self-Organizing Maps, IEEE Access, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3075175
29S.V. Oprea, A. Bara, Devising a trading mechanism with a joint price adjustment for local electricity markets using blockchain. Insights for policy makers, Energy Policy, Volume 152, May 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112237
28SV Oprea, A Bara, B G Tudorica, M I Calinoiu, M A Botezatu, Insights into Demand Side Management with Big Data Analytics in Electricity Consumers’ Behavior, Computers and Electric Engineering, Volume 89, January 2021, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045790620307540
27SV Oprea; Bâra, Adela; Marales, Răzvan C.; Florescu, Margareta-Stela. 2021. Data Model for Residential and Commercial Buildings. Load Flexibility Assessment in Smart Cities Sustainability 13, no. 4: 1736. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13041736
26SV OPREA, A BÂRA, AI Andreescu, Two Novel Blockchain-Based Market Settlement Mechanisms Embedded into Smart Contracts for Securely Trading Renewable Energy, IEEE Access, November 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3040764,  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9272276 
25S. Teimourzadeh;O. B. Tör;M.E. Cebeci;A. Bara;S. V. Oprea;S. M. Kısakürek, Enlightening Customers on Merits of Demand-Side Load Control: A Simple-But-Efficient-Platform, IEEE Access, October 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3032745, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9234487
24Oprea, S.-V.; Bâra, A.; Bologa, R.A.; Preotescu, D.; Coroianu, L.; A Trading Simulator Model for the Wholesale Electricity Market, IEEE Access, October 2020, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9215970, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3029291, (Volume: 8) Page(s): 184210 – 184230
23S.V. Oprea, Bara, A,  Ultra-short-term forecasting for photovoltaic power plants and real-time key performance indicators analysis with big data solutions. Two case studies – PV Agigea and PV Giurgiu located in Romania, Computers in Industry, Volume: 120, Article Number: 103230, DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103230, Published: September 2020, WOS:000538762600005
22S.V. Oprea, Bara, A, Preda, S, Tor, OB, A Smart Adaptive Switching Module Architecture Using Fuzzy Logic for an Efficient Integration of Renewable Energy Sources. A Case Study of a RES System Located in Hulubesti, Romania, Sustainability, Volume: 12, Issue: 15, Article Number: 6084, DOI: 10.3390/su12156084, Published: August 2020, WOS:000559515100001
21S.V. Oprea, Bara, A, Tudorica, BG, Dobrita, G, Sustainable Development with Smart Meter Data Analytics Using NoSQL and Self-Organizing Maps, Sustainability, Volume: 12, Issue: 8, Article Number: 3442, DOI: 10.3390/su12083442, Published: April 2020, WOS:000535598700375
20Tor, OB, Cebeci, ME, Koc, M, Teimourzadeh, S,  Atli, D, S.V. Oprea, Bara, A, Peak shaving and technical loss minimization in distribution grids: a time-of-use-based pricing approach for distribution service tariffs, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Volume: 28, Issue: 3, Pages: 1386-1404, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1907-30, Published: 2020, WOS:000532359500014
19S.V. Oprea, Bara, A, Setting the Time-of-Use Tariff Rates With NoSQL and Machine Learning to a Sustainable Environment, IEEE ACCESS, Volume: 8, Pages: 25521-25530, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2969728, Published: 2020, WOS:000524658400002
18Cebeci, ME, Tor, OB, Oprea, SV, Bara, A, Consecutive Market and Network Simulations to Optimize Investment and Operational Decisions Under Different RES Penetration Scenarios, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, Pages: 2152-2162, DOI: 10.1109/TSTE.2018.2881036, Published: October 2019, WOS:000487199700050
17Oprea, SV, Bara, A, Ifrim, GA, Coroianu, L, Day-ahead electricity consumption optimization algorithms for smart homes, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume: 135, Pages: 382-401, DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2019.06.023, Published: September 2019, WOS:000482244100030
16Teimourzadeh, S, Tor, OB, Cebeci, ME, Bara, A, Oprea, SV, A three-stage approach for resilience-constrained scheduling of networked microgrids, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Volume: 7, Issue: 4, Pages: 705-715, DOI: 10.1007/s40565-019-0555-0, Published: July 2019, WOS:000477895600005
15Oprea, SV, Bara, A, Machine Learning Algorithms for Short-Term Load Forecast in Residential Buildings Using Smart Meters, Sensors and Big Data Solutions, IEEE Access, Volume: 7, Pages: 177874-177889, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2958383, Published: 2019, WOS:000509483800046
14Oprea, SV, Bara, A, Preotescu, D, Elefterescu, L , Photovoltaic Power Plants (PV-PP) Reliability Indicators for Improving Operation and Maintenance Activities. A Case Study of PV-PP Agigea Located in Romania, IEEE Access, Volume: 7, Pages: 39142-39157, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2907098, Published: 2019, WOS:000464212600001
13Oprea, SV, Bara, A, Diaconita, V, Sliding Time Window Electricity Consumption Optimization Algorithm for Communities in the Context of Big Data Processing, IEEE Access, Volume: 7, Pages: 13050-13067, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2892902, Published: 2019,  WOS:000458177800075
12Preda, S, Oprea, SV, Bara, A, Belciu, A, PV Forecasting Using Support Vector Machine Learning in a Big Data Analytics Context, Symmetry-Basel, Volume: 10, Issue: 12, Article Number: 748, DOI: 10.3390/sym10120748, Published: December 2018, WOS:000454725100086
11S.V. Oprea, A.Bâra, A.Uță, A. Pîrjan, G. Căruțașu, Analyses of Distributed Generation and Storage Effect on the Electricity Consumption Curve in the Smart Grid Context, Sustainability 2018, 10, 2264; doi:10.3390/su10072264, MDPI, 2017, WOS:000440947600155
10S.V. Oprea, A. Bâra, G.Ifrim, Flattening the electricity consumption peak and reducing the electricity payment for residential consumers in the context of smart grid by means of shifting optimization algorithm, Elsevier Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 122, August 2018, Pages 125-139, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.05.053, WOS:000438478700008
9S.V. Oprea, A.Bâra, G. Majstrovic, Aspects Referring Wind Energy Integration from the Power System Point of View in the Region of Southeast Europe. Study Case of Romania, Energies, 2018, 11, 251; doi:10.3390/en11010251, 2018, WOS:000424397600250
8S.V. Oprea, A. Pîrjan, G. Căruțașu, D.M. Petroșanu, A. Bâra, J.L. Stănică, C. Coculescu, Developing a Mixed Neural Network Approach to Forecast the Residential Electricity Consumption Based on Sensor Recorded Data, Sensors, 2018, 18, 1443; doi:10.3390/s18051443, 2018, WOS:000435580300142
7S.V. Oprea, A.Bâra, A. Reveiu, Informatics Solution for Energy Efficiency Improvement and Consumption Management of Householders, Energies, 2018, 11, 138; doi:10.3390/en11010138, 2018, WOS:000424397600138
6S.V. Oprea, A.Bâra, Analyses of Wind and Photovoltaic Energy Integration from the Promoting Scheme Point of View: Study Case of Romania, Energies, 2017, 10, 2101; doi:10.3390/en10122101, 2017,  WOS:000423156900172
5A. Pîrjan, S.V. Oprea, G. Căruțașu, D.M. Petroșanu, A. Bâra, C. Coculescu, Devising Hourly Forecasting Solutions Regarding Electricity Consumption in the Case of Commercial Center Type Consumers, Energies, 2017, 10(11), 1727; (doi:10.3390/en10111727); ISSN: 1996-1073, WOS:000417046500046
4S.V. Oprea, A.Bâra, M. Cebeci, O.B. Tor, Promoting peak shaving while minimizing electricity consumption payment for residential consumers by using storage devices, TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTER SCIENCES, Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, E-ISSN: 1303-6203 ISSN: 1300-0632, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1606-152, 2017, WOS:000412571400019
3I.Lungu, A.Bâra, G.Căruțașu, A.Pîrjan, S.V. Oprea, Prediction intelligent system in the field of renewable energies through neural networks, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, nr.1/2016, ISSN 0424-267X; WOS:000372478800005
2I. Lungu, G. Căruţaşu, A. Pîrjan, S.V. Oprea, A. Bâra, A two-step forecasting solution and upscaling technique for small size wind farms located on hilly terrain in Romania, Studies in Informatics and Control Journal, vol 25/issue 1, 2016, ISSN 1220-1766; WOS:000372945700009
1A. Bâra, I. Lungu, S.V. Oprea, I. Botha, A. Chinie, Model assumptions for efficiency of wind power plants’ operation, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, nr. 4/2014, ISSN 0424-267X; WOS:000346684700007