Simona-Vasilica Oprea received her degree from the Polytechnic University in 2001, her master’s degree from Yokohama National University, Japan, in 2007 through the Infrastructure Management Program, and her Ph.D. degree in power system engineering (wind energy integration) in 2009, followed by a second Ph.D. degree in economic informatics (electricity consumption management with informatics solutions) in 2017. She is a professor at the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics, and Economic Informatics at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Bucharest.

Simona-Vasilica Oprea (Female, born July 14, 1978, Nationality: Romanian) has an interdisciplinary background in Power System Engineering (renewable energy integration, grid planning studies) and ICT (databases, big data, machine learning). She received her M.Sc. degree from the Infrastructure Management Program at Yokohama National University, Japan, in 2007; her first Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Bucharest Polytechnic University in 2009; and her second Ph.D. in Economic Informatics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) in 2017. Since 2010, she has been involved in 11 national and international research projects as a member or principal investigator. She is the author of 10 books and international book chapters, and has published over 100 scientific articles indexed in Clarivate Web of Science. She worked at Transelectrica from 2002 to 2014, at the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) in 2014, and has been with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) since 2014., Web of Science ResearcherID: AAF-1475-2019

2024 „Mattei Dogan” Award in Social Science and Economy, Research Team, Romanian Research Gala, MINISTRY OF RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND DIGITALIZATION,

2022 Habilitated at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Habilitation thesis title: „Big data analytics and blockchain solutions”, Order no. 3420/ 16.03.2022 of the Education Ministry

2022 PhD Supervisor, Member of the Doctoral School in Economic Informatics,

2014-2017 PhD in Economic Informatics at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. PhD thesis title: „Informatics solutions for decision assistance regarding electricity consumption optimization in smart grids”

2002-2009 PhD in Electrical Engineering at the Bucharest Polytechnic University. PhD thesis title: “Aspects regarding the open access to the electricity grids. Renewable energy sources integration”

2005-2007 Master in Infrastructure Management at the Yokohama National University, Japan. The International Graduate School of Social Sciences. Thesis title: Allocation methods of cross-border grid capacity

2001-2002 Master in Power Systems at the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Energy Faculty

1996-2001 Bachelor at the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Energy Faculty